Part II.

The last blog I wrote was explaining how I was leaving Romania knowing I was called back, but didn’t quite understand when.  Well, November 2012-I surrendered Romania and told God I was going to put Romania on the back burner for about a year.  This whole year (November 2012-November 2013), my heart hurt.  I was dealing with some personal things here, while not understanding what I was supposed to do with my life.  I was on Facebook one day and saw a picture of Clint Bokelman, who works for the long-term department with AIM in DRAGANESTI!  What?!  “Why is Clint in Draganesti?”  That was my first thought.  “Does Clint know that’s where my heart is?”  Honestly, I was so jealous…I wanted to be there. 


Well, this would have been around June 2013 when I saw this picture, but in this head, I was thinking…oh well, maybe I’ll go back and visit them.  I never expected what would happen next…. I was working 40 hour weeks with Aflac and then as well with Starbucks.  I will tell you when you know something is God’s will, you know!  *You get this insane amount of courage to go through any challenge, because you know that God’s leading it.*  I honestly will tell you what God told me through Raul was such a confirmation to my call.  

I guess I should tell you what Raul said. 🙂  I was skyping with Raul one day and he told me the reason why Clint and this other guy, Glenn were there.  AIM wanted to plant a long-term base in Draganesti-Olt and they needed a base leader to run the base.  Once I heard this, my first reaction was SIGN ME UP!  If you recall, in the last entry, I felt like the best job I could ever have was working in Romania for Adventures in Missions.  When was this call?  This call was no longer than a year after I had surrendered letting go of it.  It was the end of November.  Long-story short….I was so excited, but asked God how this could be….

How could it be that THE God who created the whole earth and all of the 7 billion people in the world, would care so much for me?  Why would he give me what I wanted?  This was a humbling experience and really taught me more of God’s love.  God has fashioned me for Draganesti-Olt, because that’s my family who serves Christ and seeks His face daily, if not every minute.  Our hearts are united.  I grew so much in Draganesti those 3 months that I was there.  I couldn’t be anymore excited! 

I was asked to help facilitate a Parent Vision Trip through AIM in March and then asked to go again in April.  At this April trip, I was commissioned.  I will tell you, I was honored and blessed and I can’t even begin to describe what happened during that one week, but it was amazingly good!  

I sit before you writing this blog, telling you that I’m moving back to Romania to be the long-term base leader.  I get to interact with The World Race about every other month and I get to do life with them, as well with the wonderful missionaries and families, shown on my home page.  They have become my family who seeks Jesus with everything they have! 

The plan is to be in Draganesti-Olt by the end of June of this year…SO IN 1 MONTH!  I know that I’m called to go. I know that God’s going to supply every need I have and that He’s doing this…not me!  Please be in prayer as I take this next step of faith…I need about $1500/month and then more for start-up costs.   I’m currently at about 13%.  Please contact me if you have any questions. 🙂