
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Okay folks….truth to the story here is, my life is insane.  Seriously, I don’t know if there’s ever been such a time of preparation, like the one I have seen in the last couple months.  I’m going to Romania!  Wait, what?! Okay, everyone….deep breath in…Drum roll…I’m buying a plane ticket to Romania for September 9th!  What does that mean…currently pledged I’m at 52%.  Okay, Rachel….breathe.  This is significant….I honestly have no idea how all of this 52% has come in except for by the grace of God.  And pretty much what I’ve got to rely on is faith.  I BELIEVE that this is when I’m supposed to leave.  Some nights I don’t sleep, because I miss Romania so much. Other nights, God has given me this heart that won’t stop praying. There’s definitely unrest in my heart as to if it’s going to happen, but behold, when God speaks, things happen! 


Why September 9th….I’ve been asked to help lead another PVT from September 11-16th. I believe that by helping lead this trip, I would be able to share more of the vision behind the long term AIM base, as well as have the potential to get more support.    In fact, parents have come to know the Lord in very deep ways throughout PVT’s.  Sure, it’s only 5 days, however….God moves in powerful ways!   Redemption has and IS happening through broken families.  Why a one-way?  Well, why not?! Here’s the thing….I’ll already be over there…why spend another $1,000 for another trip one to two months down the road?  I do not believe that this is what God is up to. 

Here’s the deal….in order to do this and to launch at 90%, I need 24 $25/month donors.   I don’t say this with a light heart….I need you.   I need you to ask God if He wants you to give.  Because He’s the one doing this, without a shadow of a doubt, I know His voice will not return void.  He will give you an answer if you are to give.  Please be willing to respond to His voice.  This is a tough request, because I’m not God and I’m not in charge of where the money flows from, but I am a voice that speaks truth when He gives me it.   So, who’s with me here….on average, I will need about 6 $25/month donors per week for this to happen! Trust me, I think this is insane as well, but who’s with me?    If I do not or cannot receive the full 24 donors for $25/month, then I WILL be coming back to Wisconsin and raising whatever is necessary, plus the cost of another flight.  Please do not let this happen! Seriously, do you believe that God can do this?  Because I do! 


Friends, I believe something huge is about to happen.  I believe that God wants to use this story to encourage the future racers that come to Draganesti who are burdened with support raising and potentially being kicked off the race due to insufficient funds.  IT will be a tangible story for future racers, and it WILL be a source of hope that Our God provides, and He provides in abundance.  I know, it’s insane, but oh well.   Our God is not a god of restraint nor withholding.  He can make it rain, in fact He can make it pour!   Please let me know what the Lord shares with you….He’s going to do it!  (Once I get a response, I will put a checkmark in the blank to show that those are covered.  The over 90% is if I get enough donors to cover the last 10% for the rest of the year.)

God’s going to do this!  He doesn’t give us passion for something and let it be!  He calls us to step out in faith and get the job done!  So, I’m taking probably the biggest step of faith by buying a ticket to Romania when I’m not fully there yet….yes, Rachel, God can do this! 


            WEEK 1

            WEEK 2

            WEEK 3

             WEEK 4

1.  Check!

7.  Check!

13.  Check!


2.  Check!

8.  Check!

14. Check!


3.  Check!

9.  Check! 

15.  Check!


4.   Check!

10.  Check! 

16.  Check!


5.   Check!

11.  Check!

17.  Check!


6.   Check! 

12.  Check!




25. (over 90%)  Check! (Starting in January)

26.  (over 90%) Check! (Starting in January)

27.  (over 90%)

28. (over 90%)


29.  (over 90%)

30.  (over 90%)