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Hello everyone!  As you may be aware, I am currently traveling with Raul and Ana Costea in Texas.   We have been visiting churches and partners and sharing the work of what the Lord has been done. 

It’s my first time in Texas and I can truly say that everything truly is big here.  I can’t believe the amount of food that I’ve been given, or the beds that I’ve slept in…but most importantly, I can’t believe the generousity of the people we’ve stayed with.  As well, without even expecting it, I’ve had a few people just handed me cash saying “here you go.”  I’ve been blown away by the ways people really give and it blesses me in so many ways.  I seriously have just met these people for the first time and they go off and buy me a steak or pay for something from the store for me.  God is good, friends!

We are blessed!  To say something other than we are blessed, such as “ugh, look at this bill” or “how am I supposed to pay for this?!” means that we lack complete trust in the Lord.  I mean, who is Our Provider?  Who is the One who created finances in the first place?  Um, yes…that would be the Lord.  He knows our every need and when we truly need the funds. My take-away from all of this is exactly what I wrote above…when I start to worry about money, then it means I have no trust in the Lord.  

So…after writing all of this, you might be asking why I’m even in the States.  Well, a) I wanted to see my family, but b) more so, for support reasons.   You see, my annual budget to work with Adventures in Missions in Romania is $19,900.   This isn’t a small number, but to God, it is. I believe it will come in; actually, I know it will come in.  I’m not worried, friends. 

So, if you are reading this and want more information on how to support me, please either comment down below or send me a personal email at [email protected].  Thank you all for everything!  I am so blessed to have the opportunity to serve the Lord in Romania, but to know that I’m also surrounded by a community that also supports what the Lord is confirming in Romania! 

One response to “New Year means…”

  1. i’m so happy to see you follow your dreams! i know that your one after god’s own heart, and that you will continue to do beautiful things. 🙂