When I say prepare yourselves, I mean it!
If you have no idea, what I blogged about last, go back and read! I revealed (well was about to reveal) the dreams that I feel the Lord has given me over Romania.
ARE YOU READY?! NO….SERIOUSLY, ARE YOU READY?????!!!!! I swear it’s so exciting! God has given me a heart not just for Draganesti-Olt, but for the entire country of Romania. These people WILL know God’s love and I know this, because He desires all of us to know Him. It’s the truth, ya’ll. Whether you believe it or not, God has this huge heart for you and sees your needs. He sees your every minute. He sees you and He knows you…yeah, YOU! Yep, you you you. Sorry, I don’t mean to be so confrontational, but He has so much in store for you. Stop doubting and start trusting that He sees your every need and will take care of it.
So with this being said, God sees every need for the Romanians, as well. Did you know that 97% believe there’s no hope for them? Yep. It’s crazy and intense. That means that only 3% of the population knows that there’s something more than fear, doubt, pain, and hurt. We can all live a life free from fear, however we need to know that there’s something (or someone) more for us.
Long story short, God has given me a heart for this country, because He has called me to preach, teach and love. Ultimately, love. This is what this life is about. Love the least of these. And Isaiah 61. This is why I’m going to Romania. This Scripture is long, but He has called me to restore the brokenhearted and to bring beauty to those places that have been ashes in the prior. See, the Lord is doing a new thing. He is calling up His children to come and follow Him. It’s not me doing this. The Lord is doing this, but He has asked me to jump on in and work alongside Him.
All I can say about this dream is that God has a place where kids will be able to go and learn what it looks like to walk in the identity that God has given them. They are not insufficient, they are not victims. No, they are His. They are His sons and daughters and I get the priviledge of sharing the hope and truth with them. How amazing would it be if these children could know from the top of their head to the tips of their toes that they were created with purpose? How cool would it be to see God’s Kingdom come through 3 year-olds, for example? These children are going to be hope bringers. They are going to set THEIR nation on fire for their Daddy’s kingdom.
Oh yeah, prepare yourselves. Mhm, He’s definitely doing a new thing!