I want to tell you a story of what God is capable of….but I want to preface it with this. I left training camp knowing that God had something even bigger for me than what I went there with. I had something new to receive and to bless someone with (let me remind you, I had no clue what this meant).
I talked with a friend last night. I was actually following up on a support call I had made the week before, but as I was talking with her I realized that something wasn’t right. I ended up driving over to her place to see what was going on. As she was explaining, God kept giving me this beautiful picture of a baptism…you know, the part where the waters almost part around you, yeah…that was what was going through my head as we were praying.
WHY? She has already been baptized and has been a believer for quite a while. I didn’t fully understand why I was getting this picture. Well, we kept praying. More and more stuff was revealed as to why she was feeling what she was feeling. She had even mentioned how at around 1:30 that afternoon or so she was kind of sleeping, kind of not and felt like she was drowning-like she couldn’t get air. Okay, when you hear just this part, what do you think? Do you think it’s of Jesus or the enemy? I immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was the enemy because God would never allow that to happen. But get this….we prayed more into it and as we were praying, God kept giving me vivid pictures of the surroundings. I’ve never, let me say that again, NEVER experienced such vivid pictures before in my life.
The pictures I saw were such:
A beach, in which I saw all the grains of sand
A hill leading up to a cliff, in which the cliff was very grassy-I saw many blades of grass (I wouldn’t even begin to be able to count them), as well I saw every crack inside the rocks of that cliff as well as the peaks of the waves beneath. Pretty vivid picture, I would say.
As well I saw that baptism scene showing up again
And then I also saw at the end someone floated in the ocean just soaking in His presence.
I knew all of these things had a connection somehow, but didn’t know how it connected to the picture she received earlier that day….until I was convicted to ask her what she was seeing….
-She said she saw herself jumping off a cliff into the ocean and then that’s she felt like she was drowning…
Oh gosh….it’s so hard to explain here, what happened….but I felt the sense to explain how she was only seeing her current situation and that God had bigger things for her. She’s in the middle of all this chaos, but He had more to impart to her.
What do you think of when you think of green, brown and blue? Greens means life, right? Brown is like a dust color or even maybe roots? And then blue…well, blue means life as well. In order to receive life, you need to get life from THE LIVING WATER and you need to soak in the presence of God and His truth.
Long story short….I received this newness that God had for me last night. And has encouraged me to keep pressing for His truth and seeking him in everything! God is capable of anything. Two different women saw a lot of the same things one night when we were simply praying.
What do you believe God can do for you?