
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve officially been in Romania for 8 months and with this fact, I can tell you God has been clearly defining my role in the Kingdom.  I do know that God has given me a heart for orphans and fatherless children, however…I believe for the time being, I’m called to the youth who have difficult family situations.

Within the last few months, there are things that I have realized.

1) Because I’m single, I have more opportunity to reach the teenagers and really invest deeply in their lives.  I do not have the committment of a relationship, which frees up my schedule a lot. 

2) As I mentioned a few blogs back, teenagers are the future.  We may not like this statement, but look at the world today.  There’s so many distractions for them and what if we could help walk them towards Christ, so their lives reflect Him and lead their peers to Christ? I believe the Lord is shaking up the spiritual atmosphere here in Draganesti and is ready to see something change in the youth here. 

3) As my relationships with teenage girls develop, I need a vehicle to visit them. Okay, so currently all of the girls I’m discipling live in Draganesti.  This is a blessing, but with the coming years, I don’t believe I’m called to staying just in Draganesti. There is a girl who I feel the Lord is calling me to mentor and disciple in a village 20 minutes away.  I can’t fully explain it, but she’s always on my heart and mind.  I love this girl and feel that God is equipping me to encourage her.

Okay with this being said, I have realized it’s not time for me to buy a house.  As much as I do desire a house, I know that I could reach more in this time with a car. I know that God will provide every fund I have, but it’s just when you hear something so clearly from the Lord, you need to pursue that.  I have heard “Buy a car.”  It’s been such a burden.  Ionela has been a burden on my heart.  This teenager is 14 and already knows that she doesn’t care what she does in the future, just as long as it praises the Lord.  She could easily be someone who leads others to Christ in Coteana and I can’t pass up this opportunity to invest in her.

This is a possible car option.



I will admit that I jump ahead to conclusions before I even know much about the situation.  Ex: the house.  Like I said, I will buy a house, but I don’t know where and I don’t know when. I believe this is okay.  In God’s perfect timing, I know I will have a place to call my own and I know my God is sovereign.  He has provided everything I need.  I have food, shelter, clothing and community.  I have been given the responsibility to shepherd a generation and this is priority.  

*For those of you who are interested, I need close to $3,000 more to buy a car.  When this support comes in, I will then purchase the vehicle.  If you are interested, please message me.*

Thanks for all of your support and patience with me, as I learn more about the calling the Lord has put on my heart.  

2 responses to “A REAL reality check…”

  1. Rachel, as you direct your heart and spirit toward God, I know He will continue to use you exactly as He has planned to do from before the beginning (Eph. 2:10). We grow and mature in grace and spiritual insight as we exercise our spiritual muscles. It appears you’re getting plenty of exercise! You seem to be hearing His call in your ministry, and I know you’re heeding it step by step. Just continue to launch out in faith as you have been, and He will faithfully respond as He always does–it’s like a “spiritual axiom.” When He needs the car, you’ll have the car; when He needs the house, you’ll have the house. He’s preparing your heart and mind, I believe, for what He has in store for you. (That’s not unlike Him, you know.) Trust Him each step for what lies beyond. Each step grows more exciting as we travel down the road of faith.
    You’re one of my heroes of the faith, Rachel. You’ve so obviously given your life to the Master and are trusting Him in all things. As the blessings have come, so shall they continue to come. He is always faithful to His called ones, among whom you are a choice servant. God keep you, I pray. And I look forward to seeing you later this year when, by His grace, I return to Draganesti.

  2. Rachel,
    God has definitely given you a gift in your ability to relate to youth, especially teens. You’re so right about them being our future, and I think it’s amazing that you see that in the children in your community! You are an inspiring role model for your local youth, especially for the girls by showing them what it’s like to live as God’s hands and feet. You’re already doing amazing things in Draganesti, and I can’t wait to see how God continues to use you for His children! Sending you love and hugs.