
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I know, I know, I know…I forgot to post last week.  Honestly, I didn’t have anything super special to write about.   It’s not that I didn’t want it, but a lot of times, I’m not sure what to write. 

As I’m writing this, I actually am looking at my planner to see what all happened during this past couple weeks.  It’s been a good couple of weeks, but also some hard ones, as a couple of the girls I was discipling are no longer being discipled.   I do not care to share what happened, as it would betray their trust.  However, the question that I keep on asking myself is “Do I continue to meet regularly with someone who isn’t ready to hear the Gospel?   If they aren’t open to the truth, do you share it?”  I have been battling this question for the last couple weeks, as I strongly feel like I’m to shepherd these girls.  Who knows?  Maybe I will shepherd/disciple them in coming years, when they are ready and mature enough to hear. 

So there’s this, however I am really encouraged by 1 teenager named Georgiana.   Georgiana wants as much of Scripture as she can possibly get.  She’s 13 and thinking back to when I was 13, I was starting to rebel against my parents.  I’m so proud of this girl.  We meet every Thursday morning and talk about who Jesus was and why He came to the earth for us.   You can tell she desires to have a relationship with the Lord.  Please be praying for Georgiana, that she would have good influences and that she would remain in the Truth.

With all of these things written above, I’m learning disciplehsip is HARD.  A lot of times I find myself asking questions about how to effectively communicate the Gospel through discipleship, but also how to be supportive for girls that really have hard things in their lives.  This past week, Hope Church was visited by 2 Romanians and 1 Canadian who work for an organization called “EE: Evangelism and Equipping.”  They showed us how to effectively do evangelism, as well as discipleship.   Honestly friends, what I learned is discipleship starts with one person.  If you are continuously in this 1 person’s life and are present whenever they need you, you will see fruit. 

Here’s an example: You have an apple, right?  Does an apple just become an apple without water, soil, sun or the tree?  NO! We are the tree and our roots are found in Jesus Christ.   Our water is the Scripture and the sun is God and the Holy Spirit, who produce fruit.  We have the responsibility for caring for our fruits.  If we want to see things happen, then we need to be willing to go through the hard things with them.  If we just quit when things get rough, then you will never see fruit.  It definitely has it’s discouraging moments, HOWEVER this is why we have Jesus.  He’s our example, so let’s pursue what He did.

Take a look at this example below.  If I was to meet with 3 girls every week and then each one of them, 3 girls, then 3 girls….take a look….

3 responses to “Two weeks later….”

  1. Press on my friend, press on – be not weary in well doing, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up! “-) (Galatians 6:9)

  2. Yes this is true,
    discipleship isn’t easy, but neither was Jesus’ life. Keep praying for these girls, Rae, God has put them on your heart for a reason. He WILL open the door in his timing.
    Love you! Mom

  3. Yes this is true,
    discipleship isn’t easy, but neither was Jesus’ life. Keep praying for these girls, Rae, God has put them on your heart for a reason. He WILL open the door in his timing.
    Love you! Mom