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So, I know that I have promised you all an update as to how things went with my eyes…

While some may say that I have been cursed by having an eye disorder, honestly, I believe it’s been a blessing, in the strangest way possible.

Last April (2015), I started to have a hard time seeing.  I figured it was just because of my vision, as eyes normally change.  To my suprise, the optometrist here in Romania, couldn’t measure my eye fully.  I started to panic a little, as I knew in my spirit that something had happened.  Anyways, I started going about life as normal. I figured that when I would go home 6 months later, I would get my looked at and get new glasses.

Fast forward, 6 months…

I am in the States flying from Houston, TX to Atlanta, GA.  As I was boarding the flight, I was in pain. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I thought maybe my cornea had been scratched.  I’m not joking when I say, I couldn’t see anything.  After many different doctors, in two different states, I was diagnosed with Keratoconus.  To make it simple, Keratoconus is when the cornea starts to cone, instead of staying curved.  With this coning, your cornea starts to thin out eventually leading to blindness.  The only solution to this is a treatment called Cross Linking (CXL) or a cornea transplant. 

There was so much worry when I was in the States.  I continually kept on thinking many things, including “How is the Lord going to provide for this when CXL isn’t even approved for the States yet?  Even if I do find a place that will do this treatment, how expensive is it going to be; will I be able to afford it?” These thoughts crowded my mind.

I wasn’t sure what to do: whether to stay in the States for a while and rest or to just come straight back to Romania.  I decided to come straight back trusting that The Lord would find a solution.  In January, I started to research places that offer CXL in Europe and pretty much everything I found was in Western Europe and approximately $3500.  How would I be able to afford this?! 

Then one day, God just kept on reaffirming me that I was in His control and that He would cover me and protect me!   I started to research eye hospitals in Romania and WALA!  The Lord led me to the place where I got my treatment/surgery!   Friends, I’m not even kidding.  The price of the surgery was substantially less than what I ever thought would be possible AND the doctors spoke ENGLISH!  The treatment wasn’t fun, but…I know that I have received blessing from the Lord!  I mean, let’s think about this:

-I have been called to Romania and the Lord has confirmed this so many times!  We serve a perfect and holy God!  From the moment I walked into the clinic, I knew the Lord was in that place and that it was going to be good!

Thank you all for praying!  Hope this story encourages you to see the things that would normally be considered curses in your lives, but really in the end were/are blessings.

5 responses to “Is this a CURSE?!”

  1. Awesome Rachel! So glad you’re healing and doing well. Keep up the good work over there! And yes, we are all a blessing from God and learning to trust in him is the key! You’re in my prayers and love you!

  2. Praying that His Spirit would continue to encourage you as you heal and recover fully! You are a rock star and we’re praying for you!!